Hey there!

I'm Kristina Eastham

I’m a freelance product design researcher, specializing in strategic qualitative research. I thrive in complexity and uncertainty and love working with teams to use research and synthesis to make better design and product decisions.

I bring clarity to teams through rigorous qualitative research. We'll work together to uncover a deep understanding of current and prospective users, their behaviors, attitudes and needs.

Through collaborative research planning, strategic study design and targeted recruiting, we’ll design studies that uncover nuanced insights that change the way you think about your product and mission.

Career Highlights

9 years of product design and user experience research at companies like Intuit, SoundCloud, and SAP
Masters Degree in Human Factors in Information Design from Bentley University from 2016-2017
7 years of digital marketing and content strategy experience at firms like Digitaria (currently Wunderman Thompson) and in-house at professional services firm Mintz
8 years combined event organizing experience, head of Ignite San Diego lighting talk events and 4 years volunteering as event co-Chair for UX Speakeasy, a San Diego meetup for UX Professionals with 3600 members
Previous background as a journalist relevant for interviewing and synthesis skills

Prototype Evaluation
Concept Testing
Heuristic Evaluations
Marketing & Value Proposition Research
Personas & Mindsets
Journey Maps
Jobs to be Done
Problem Statement Definition